Friday, September 28, 2007

Malaysians should NOT be racist!

This was not supposed to be what i wanted to write,but i ended up witnessing and being involved with too many events that involves racism, so i MUST write this!!!! i DON'T care, hate me all you want after this,but i still insist on writing about this!!
if you are thinking this is a post to complain about how the minority races are being discriminated, then sorry, you are totally wrong. This is the complete opposite! I'm writing so people STOP COMPLAINING about discrimination!
Recently, someone posted a complain in the bulletin board,regarding UNITEN who will be having the final examination,right before and after Deepavali. Final examination will begin,then we have 1 day break for Deepavali holiday,and then it continues again. So,furious of the fact, someone posted this in the bulletin :-

" For all UNITEN indian students who
will be celebrating Deepavali/Diwali
this year,I have an announcement for
you'll.This year Diwali is cancelled
officially by our UNITEN
administration who wants us not to
celebrate,they are having exam one day
before and after our auspicious
day.Gosh,thankx for the respect!!

Actually if we notice,it should be
RAYA which comes in between our
semester but because we are giving way
to them,one week holidays,we have to
sit in campus and celebrate amongst
us.Y give way for them to celebrate
nicely and we suffer when in reality
its their Raya which is in between the
semester?Is this what we call fairness?
Whats the point of celebrating 50years
independence if we the non-malays are
still,till today not respected in a
instuition where we make the majority
of the students?

Stand up my dear brother and sisters
for your rights,whats happening to us
can and will surely repeated to our
future generation.This is no-reposting
scam,just want our ppl to know that we
are also united.Stop being hypocrites
by being afraid to speak up becoz
those who are scared to speak the
truth dont speak the truth. "

then,after 8 names written in short form by indians (who prolly don't want their name known) ,one malay guy wrote his real name and said "yeah im malay,so?". What uniten did isn't actually discrimination to the indians, i call it poor planning perhaps to not realize a festival falling during our finals? But that one malay guy who supported this bulletin just goes to show, malay's aren't discriminating us all together, some,MANY are actually on our side and trying to help us!

the non-malays actually think malays are discriminating us so much. They do not respect our festival and have exams in between! well, then open your eyes, coz UNITEN are not the only one having exams on that day, Taylor's college and MMU too are having exams then (supp paper tho). it just so happens that Deepavali falls during that period,and its either they push it WAYY earlier,and we cut down our leave, or we have it that time itself!

whats that? they would never have exams during hari raya period you say? think again. SPM 2005 started,then they took a break for Hari Raya, and they continued again. if festivals falls during the exam season,what can we do?

Putting exams aside, lately so many people are coming up and telling me they are moving to another country, that discrimination in this country is high, the malays are not treating us fairly, the non-majority race will always suffer,bla bla bla. Seriously, do you think the malays are discriminating us? i do agree that the govermont are giving ALOT, hell ALOT of benefits to the bumiputra community, education wise especially. Lets say they do not do that, what will happen then? Part of the malay community will not like it, the govermont loses votes, opposition gains more seats. Its all POLITICS!

Are we really suffering right now? are you guys not doing your degree,or masters? or does your father or uncle has a PhD? are you not eating delicious food? Your family not earning enough money? Then, we aren't suffering at all! Things can get better, which is what each non-bumiputra party is trying for, but change cannot take place SUDDENLY! And the Malay community itself isn't discriminating us! They are a good bunch of people, friendly and fun, and their girls are smoking hot:P

the NON-MALAYS are discriminating them actually! don't believe me? if a chinese guy buys PS2 in, he might get it for 600 bucks. If a malay guy goes, he buys it for RM 650:P
well, i once ordered chinese tea ice, and he charged me 60 cents. my friend ordered the same thing for 50 cents. A buncha malay guys playing football, and the indian goes like " they are malay,dont feel like playing with them"THAT IS DISCRIMINATION AND RACISM!
Fortunately,it doesn't happen all the time.

Racism still happens everywhere. Earlier,few months back, there was this stupid nasty rumour about malay's chopping indians in johor. my family is there, they didnt get chopped. maybe they look like jamaicans:P? People spread racism rumours and many of our parents grow up trying their best to separate us by races. it does no good, it only separates us further and makes us more racist.

But not all people are like that of course. I was once in a train with my ex-gf, when we were chatting with a random friendly uncle. she then asked what race is he, since he looks like malay but he could be chinese too. the uncle answered " im a malaysian" **true story**

Is that even possible all the time? Not soon for sure,maybe not even for the next 100 years:) What can we do to help make it possible? stop being racist:) Do not discriminate or make fun of other races, do not even look at them as different than us, be proud of your country coz its actually a nice place to be. Don't misunderstand me, you can hate the govermont all you want, the govermont isn't the country, we are. The people in this country represents the country itself. And if you look at your friend today, remember, he is also a malaysian. nowdays, we are mixing very well. we have indian+ malay and Indian+chinese (they look super hot) and all kinda weird mixtures. One day,we all gonna mix so much that we will end up becoming malaysians! to make this happen better, find a boyfriend of the different race. **psst, any chindian girls or malay girls interested,contact me:P** LOL just kidding honey,dont marah:P

Well,the bottom line is, racism will continue to exist, it is one of the hardest thing to be stopped. But, we can at least reduce it, do not make fun or discriminate other races in their future.

When you get your own kids, do not teach them what race they are, teach them of their religion, and tell them, you are a malaysian:)

Credits :-
gonna say a big thank you to people who have helped promote this blog. I'm being too serious already,i'll make the next post funnier. I was planning to write about " women on the road".
neway,thanks to all this people who have helped me promote!!

Liz Too Hui Ling
Bi Lin
Tan Sue Anne
Yen Lian
Lean Chiew

all all those who have helped me start up a blog again! sorry, i promise i'll make the next one a funny one:P

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Malaysians need to work together

as i was reading the newspaper today,this are news that i have came across...

Night of terror for siblings

Three teens slashed near cyber cafe
Molest of students triggers alarm in Brickfields

Nearly everyday you see crimes happening all around it going to be like a regular normal thingy we have to go thru everyday? i went on MSN, and one person lost her handphone and couple of other possession of hers because her car got broke into. Many people will call her careless, its her fault for leaving the bag inside the car ( she said so herself:P) and another girl lost her handphone because of a snatch thief. Again, people call her careless because she was using her handphone beside the road.I mean,she should know that the roadside is dangerous, and snatch thieves are always around, looking for victims! its not the snatch thief's fault, its hers!!

What next? That girl got raped!! well,its her fault for having such a nice body! if she was 152 kg,she would be safe,right? LOOK, that guy just got mugged! well,its his fault for being such a wimp, so he actually asked for it! WOW, i don't think this actually happened many many many years back,no?

The thing now is, crime rate keeps on increasing, tho the police report says otherwise, but to me personally, i go on MSN everyday, and i hear new stories about what is happening to my friends. Let me tell you a story, about a friend of mine who happened to be mugged. He was walking back from times square at 10:30 pm. It happened EXACTLY beside the main roadside, the one where there are 4 lanes of traffic, and it was a Saturday night. Bukit Bintang on a saturday night at that time, i'm sure many know how pack it can be,right? YET,he was mugged right there, in front of HUNDREDS of people! he yelled for help, but non came to his aid. they had the time to whack him,injure him till he lost consciousness and took away his bag. They had time to do this, but no one caught them? According to him, many came to his aid after the incident, but none during.

Why didn't he receive any help when 5 guys was whacking the shit out of him? I'll tell you why, because Malaysians are afraid. They are afraid that if they did go to his aid, they might be injured instead. Why risk that? Better him being injured than you,right? Imagine if it was you who was being mugged? Perhaps,many of you guys and girls have no idea, how scary it is to have 5 guys surrounding you, threatening you and beating you up. Being alone, the only thing you can do is to shout for help, and praying to god that you do not end up dead. Would you want that to happen to you? Or what if you brother and sisters was one day mugged, beaten to dead at the same place as my friend? Wouldn't you ask yourself, why didn't people came to his aid?

They were 5 of them, at least 30 people could have came out from their car, from the shops nearby, pedestrians, HELL 30 isn't even a lot! if your are so afraid to go nearby and punch them, throw your water bottles, umbrella, High heels (boy those are deadly) ,panties, ANYTHING,then run for your lives! if 30 people threw something at them, it might scare them off at least! Come on, be realistic, even if there was 5 Bruce Lee in that mugging group, 30 people rushing to them with car jacks and steering locks WILL scare them off!!

What is my point here? My point is, if you see anyone in trouble, look to the guy beside you, shout to him " wei diorang tengah belasah budak tu, rompak kot, jom pergi tolong"....and if that person beside you asks the one beside him, you would have more in your group. And perhaps, this small act of kindness would save a life on that day.

If everyone in Malaysia are capable of working together and helping out each other, we can save lives, we can help our mother and fathers,sisters and brothers from being victims of criminals. I am not asking you to catch those criminals, no, i am asking you to at least help other malaysians around you before they become a victim. i am BEGGING you, do not let someone suffer right in front of your eyes. Rather than mourning for their loss after it has happened, help them while their heart still beats.

My deepest condolences to the family of Nurin Jazlin Jazimin. Witnesses have said that they saw her being dragged into her car i believe. If i was there, i would have at least tried something to prevent this from happening. I risk being killed if i went there alone, i know. But, that girl was someone's baby. it was worth dying for.

Malaysians, please help each other.